Posted: April 6, 2020
Video Instructions...
Assignment... Tinkercad Challenge (see attached document for details and instructions)
Tinkercad Class Code... 8L7327LW6LTL
Alternative Assignment... For those who are struggling with using, I will be using the daily Brilliant Labs #MakerFun activities. Go to and complete 1 activity from each of the categories: 1) Question of the Day (purple heading); 2) Natural Maker (green heading); 3) Digital Skills (light blue heading). Take pictures of each activity you complete and email these to show your participation.
Submission... I have a new tab in TEAMS called 'Week 1 Online Learning'. Using OneNote on mobile device and/or Teams on Laptop, take a screenshot of your TinkerCad design and insert in the tab. As well, attach the .STL from within the tab. If you are not comfortable with TEAMS, send the screenshot and the attached .STL file to
Note... These tasks are due by Friday and will be posted weekly on Monday's. Be sure to also check out the BHS Physical Education/Wellness post as it is important to maintain your physical and mental well-being during these times. Feel free to reach out to me through email anytime as I am here to assist you in your learning.