Posted: April 5, 2020
Parents & Students...
I hope you are all healthy and safe! These are unique and complex times to say the least. I want you to let you all know that the staff at Blackville School have been conferencing regularly and we are here to support you in any way we can. As teachers, we are creating a variety of ways to support learning at home. I will being posting on Monday's the weekly learning activities/assignments/tasks with work being submitted by students every Friday.
While we all ensure there is academic content each week to continue your subject learning, a collaborative approach is necessary to ensure the overall well being of all of our students. Be sure to check out the Blackville School Physical Education/Wellness post each week from both the school homepage as well as on the Facebook group. As well, participate in any student council activities that are shared on Facebook and Instagram. I have also included a link to the resources shared by ASDN on their webpage along with an attached document on Emotional Well-Being that was distributed by the Province of NB.
Together, we all need to do our part to STAY HOME, SOCIAL DISTANCE & FLATTEN THE CURVE! During this journey, there is no reason why the learning has to stop just because we are no longer in a physical classroom environment. You will be the generation to learn beyond the four walls of the classroom and this experience will better prepare all of us for this type of learning.
Should you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me through email...