MSTE Grade 8 Students

Posted: April 6, 2020

It has been decided that you will be foucsing on Math, Literacy, Science and Social Studies for your daily 2 hours of online learning to go along with 30 minutes of reading and 30 minutes of physical activity.  However, I encourage all of you to continue to explore and develop your technology skills.  I have posted 4 suggested learning opportunities on the BHS MakerSpace page... see link below.  Brilliant Labs has been sharing daily challenges, Engineering Society of NB has been doing weekly challenges, Kids Code has lots of opportunities for sessions and Scratch at Home is an opportunity to work on your coding skills.  

Feel free to reach out to me if you are looking for activities to do with technology... email

I will continue to add resources to the MakerSpace webpage and follow along on our BHS ICE Centre Facebook page.  Share your creations and have fun!