Weekly Message October 25th-29th

Posted: October 25, 2010

The last week of October, WOW!    It doesn't feel like we should be this far into the school year, but the chill in the air sure makes it known that we are heading into the winter months soon. I don't know if we can ever better the fun we had last week, but I am going to try!  We are going to have two Fun Fridays this week, a parade of costumes and a Halloween party on Friday plus to top the week off, Hump Day is a holiday!!  Please remember that Wednesday there is no school due to the meetings for teachers. As we start a new week, we always start a new book, and this time it is all about dressing up for Halloween.  For a closing activity for this book, we are going to a parade of costumes with the other grade 5 class, and I am so excited to see all my students dressed up for this event. Friday, as well, you are welcome to send in treats for your child to share with the class, but this is a voluntary activity.  We will be having a small "truc ou traite" session before dinner to celebrate the festive occasion and the end of our book. Au revoir pour le mois d'octobre!