Weekly Message January 24th-28th

Posted: January 25, 2011

Another week has come and gone, and we are now nearing the crunch time.  Soon, we are going to have our provincial test and I want to make sure my students are as prepared as possible.This week we will be working hard on some demand writing pieces in french.  The students are conditioned to write their paragraphs using my models, but during their testing, they are not going to have this opportunity.  Due to these circumstances, I have to prepare the students in this manner before the big day.Mme Tobin-Forgrave will be dropping by our classroom on Friday for a visit, and to help me in the preparations for the test.  We always look forward to her friendly visits to our classroom!  Hopefully we will have a full week of school this week with no more snowstorms, so that we don't miss out on a minute of preparation time!Enjoy your week everyone!