Mme Hale's Weekly Message ~ May 3rd - May 5th

Posted: May 3, 2010

Can you believe that it is the first of May already?!  Where did the time go?  Only two more months of school until summer vacation.  I hope everyone enjoyed the hot summer-like weather we had on the weekend, and are well rested to work hard this week. The students are very lucky this week as it is only a three day week for them due to teachers meetings on Thursday and Friday.  Please remember there is no school these days and enjoy the rest.  I would like to take this opportunity to thank all my generous parents who donated many great items that we needed to complete our Chicken Mummication project.  The students loved this activity and are very excited to complete it.  For the next 5 weeks we will be watching our chickens slowly dry up through the use of lots of salt which is what we are using to replace the natron that the Egyptions used.  This is a great way for them to learn the process the Egyptians performed to preserve their dead bodys many years ago, but in today's terminology.