Ms. T. Underhill - Archived - 09/2017

Welcome To Our Page

Posted: December 2, 2016

Students wrote part 1 of the Chapter 1 Math test today.

Part 2 will be written on Monday, December 5, 2016.  Students have lots of questions they can use for practice.

Posted: December 2, 2016

Complete the Guided Reading Section 33-1 

Answer Questions 1-5 on page 33-1

Posted: December 1, 2016

Chapter 1 test will still be written in 2 Parts.

Part 1 Friday December 2,2016

Part 2 will have to be Monday December 5, 2016

Posted: December 1, 2016

Sexual Reproduction Test will now be Friday, December 2,2016

Posted: November 29, 2016

Read section 30-1 [complete the guided reading...see below]


PDF icon guided_reading_30-1.pdf69.16 KB

Posted: November 29, 2016

Sexual Reproduction Test Wednesday, November 30

Posted: November 29, 2016

Chapter 1 test Wednesday, November 30 [Part 1]

Students used classtime today to practice for their test and get extra help. [see questions assigned on Monday]

Students were also given practice test questions with a copy of the worked out answers.

Posted: November 28, 2016

Work on the test outline.

Sexual Reproduction test will be Wednesday, November 30.

Posted: November 28, 2016

Animal Kingdom Assignment due Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Posted: November 28, 2016

Students were given classtime to work on and get extra help for the Unit test which will be on Wednesday, November 30 and Thursday, December 1 [we will be writing the test in two parts.

The following were the questions we worked on today

Page 45-47

2 [a,c,e,g], 3 [a,c,e,g], 4 all, 5 [a,c,e], 6 all, 7 [a,c,e], 8 [a,c,e], 12, 15, 16, 17

