Ms. Donovan - Archive - 09/2012

Welcome To Our Page

Posted: October 21, 2010

Good Afternoon Parents, Hopefully things are going well with your first grader at home. We had a great response to the penny drive. Thanks to all who contributed to this fundraiser. Tomorrow is Hat Day, in case your child has forgotten. And speaking of clothing, please ensure that your child is dressed warmly as it is getting quite chilly now. All homework is due back on Friday as usual and next week, we will be having a review of all spelling words covered to date, so there will not be any new words assigned. We have started practising some French songs as part of the Grade one curriculum includes exposure to aspects of French culture. Ask your child about this. In Writing Workshop, we are talking about stories requiring a beginning (the SEED of an  idea), a middle (when the seed turns into a SPROUT) and an ending ( when the story has developed into a FLOWER). Talk to your child about their stories and what thet might write about in Writing Workshop. We are stressing the first word of a sentence needing a capital letter, inserting a stop mark where your voice naturally stops when reading, and stretching tricky words out to record all sounds that are heard. We will have a chance to look at your child's writing at Parent Teacher. Please call if you would like to speak to me about any concerns.   Note; Some parents were wondering about book orders. One will be forthcoming in the near future.  

Posted: September 29, 2010

Good Afternoon Parents,  I just wanted to remind parents to make sure that students are returning agenda daily. Ask your child about the Daily 5 program where they are learning to Read to Self and Write to Self. Basically, the program encourages children to develop stamina  in reading and writing independently. We are up to 12 minutes of uniinterupted reading and 7 minutes of uninterrupted writing at the moment. Please encourage your child to attend to punctuation when reading at home. We are working on pausing at the comma, voice drop at the period and stronger voice at the exclamation mark. Take a few minutes to discuss the books with your child to ensure comprehension is intact. Our class did a great job in fire drill and lockdown drills these past few days. Some needed reassurance that it was only a practice but all in all. I was pleased with how they handled it. Last Friday, they had a great time painting their pumpkins. Hopefully, they didn't get too much paint on their clothes on the way home on the bus. If you have any concerns. send a note of call please. Mrs. Donovan

Posted: September 16, 2010

Good Afternoon Parents, Today your child will be bringing home the Flouride consent form which you will have to complete and return to school with your child. I would appreciate it if you could do that as soon as possible so that will be taken care of. Also, tomorrow is Hat Day so if your little one would like to participate, the cost is $1.00. In the morning, we will be having our first Spelling quiz as well as a short quiz on initial consonants worked on so far. Your child will bring his/her Quiz scribbler home on Monday, for you to sign, with the weekly homework in the Ziploc bag. By the way, a few students returned homework bags earlier in the week but they should be kept at home until Friday as I would like the students to read every night. On Monday, we will be participating in the Terry Fox run on the 30th anniversary of the run. Details are in the yellow newsletter that was sent home today. Tomorrow, that is, Friday, your child will bring home the sneaker cutout to decorate and dedicate to a friend/familly member. When they return these on Monday morning, I will see that thet are posted in the lobby of the school. The students are settling into the grade one routines and hopefully, things are going well at home as well. If you have any questions/concerns, please call me either at school or at home. I'll be happy to talk to you at any time, so please do not hesitate to contact me. I will try to keep you up to date with any info that you need. Just check my page regularly now that I am back from my leave. Talk to you soon, Mrs. Donovan

Posted: September 1, 2010

          Good Morning Parents and Students, It's hard to believe that summer is over so quickly and another school year is beginning! I am looking forward to meeting all of my new students and getting to work with all of you. I wanted to let you know that my students will be having a supply teacher for the first 6 school days as I will be taking a pre-retirement leave to prepare for my daughter's wedding. Mrs. Donovan    
