Posted: November 2, 2016
Mrs. Sobey - Archived - 09/2017
Posted: November 2, 2016
Posted: November 2, 2016
Posted: November 2, 2016
The Walk-A-Thon to raise money for the Elementary Soccer Field was very successful and the students enjoyed getting out to walk on a beautiful fall day.
Posted: September 26, 2016
On Friday, Septmber 30th students in grade K to 5 that raise a minimum of $10 will be able to walk. All money raised is going towards Fencing the Elementary Soccer Field. There are prizes for the top 2 fund raisers. Money raised is to be handed in the day of the Walk-A-Thon
Posted: September 26, 2016
This weeks All About Me! was all about Allison and Cadence. We found out that Allison loves horses and snakes, he likes to play with his wrestler and he really enjoys driving his real four wheeler. His real four wheeler could't fit in the bag, so he had to settle for bringing a toy one instead....
Posted: September 26, 2016
Every Thursday 2 students will be selected to take home a bag and return it the next day with 4 things that tell about them. The rules are that the items must fit in the bag, there cannot be anymore than 4 things and they have to be something that tells about you! Thomas and Tyson were the first...
Posted: September 26, 2016
We are so excited to have the Roots of Empathy Program in grade 2 this year. Baby William and his mom Alicia will visit our classroom each month. We will learn many things from the youngest "teacher" in the room. During his first visit, we were able to find out some things that Baby William can...
Posted: September 26, 2016
Posted: June 7, 2016