Posted: October 30, 2013
Mrs. Sobey Archive 09/2014
Welcome To Our Page
Posted: October 30, 2013
Posted: October 29, 2013
Last week we had a very "applelicious" week! On Tuesday, October 22nd we had an apple themed day. This event was held for all students in Kindergarten to Grade 2. The day started with all students listening to an apple story that was read by our vice principal, Mrs. Underhill. After the story, classes moved from classroom to classroom participating in different apple themed activities. In all students visited 6 different teachers and learned many new things about apples. We ended the day with the Big Crunch! The day was a huge success!
A big thank you goes out to the grade 5 leaders who helped out in each of the classrooms. The 3 students I had in my class were great with the students and were able to share their knowledge of apples with the younger students.
On Wednesday, we made homemade applesauce in the slow cooker. The students helped to peel the apples and measure out the ingredients. It took all day for the applesauce to finish cooking and we were very anxious to try it. It was delicious and many students enjoyed second helpings of our warm applesauce. Students took home the recipe to share with their families. I hope that some of you get the chance to try it out at home.
Please check out our photos from these 2 great events!
Posted: October 29, 2013
Posted: October 29, 2013
Posted: October 21, 2013
Posted: October 16, 2013
Fun Learning Games for Grade 2!
Here is a link to some more fun educational learning games for Grade 2 students. There are both math and language games that can help students improve skills and have fun at the same time!
Posted: October 16, 2013
Today we had 2 local firefighters visit our school. They taught us a lot about fire safety, especially in the kitchen area of our home. We also had a very special guest join us - a trained fire dog. The dog was able to show us how she helps during and after a fire. She was a vey smart dog!
The firefighters asked all students to make an escape plan and practice it with the whole family. Please take the time to do this with your family this week. Also, remember to fill out the ballot that is at the bottom of the escape plan sheet and return it to the school for a chance to enter to Be Fire Chief for A Day!
Thank you to our local firefighters for taking the time to talk to us today!
Posted: October 11, 2013
Posted: October 8, 2013
Just a few reminders for parents:
If your child is interested in signing up to attend Mad Science the registration forms and money are due tomorow, October 9th.
There is no school on Thursday and Friday this week due to scheduled teacher professional development days. Also, there is no school on Monday due to the Thanksgiving Holiday. I hope eveveryone enjoys this extra time home with their families.
Now that the colder weather is upon us it is important that students come dressed for the weather. It can be chilly waiting out for the buses in the mornings.
Picture retakes are on Wednesday, October 16th. If you are interested in retakes please send me a note.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving!