Posted: May 23, 2013
There are a number of scholarships coming due soon:
The J. Dean McAllister Memorial Bursary from the Miramichi Chapter of the Schizophrenia Society is due this Friday, May 25th.
The NBCC $1000 Entrance Scholarship is due to Mrs. Sobey by Monday, May 27th.
The Dungarvon ATV Club Bursary is due May 29th. Applications can be given to Mrs.Sobey.
The J. James Sturgeon Memorial and the Harold Ross Memorial are due to the Blackville Credit Union by May 31st.
Also St. Raphael's Parish is accepting applications for a summer student to look after the grounds. Please turn a resume into the office of St. Raphael's as soon as possible.
If you have ANY questions or need any help with your applications please let me know! Good Luck =)