Posted: June 10, 2013
6M - Finish draft of postcard, bring library books back
6F - complete the following for your postcards: topic, 2 facts about your topic, and start looking up information for your descriptive paragraph, bring your library books back
7D - Final copy of postcards must be pasted in tomorrow.
1. Need to find two facts about your place or thing (this will not be in the paragraph) -
2. Look under google images and read up on your subject. This will help you with your descriptions.
3. Your paragraph must have:
- Use at least two senses when you describe the place or thing (sight, hear, smell, taste, touch)
- One form of figurative language, example: simile, metaphor, personification
- Follow paragraph format (topic, supporting sentences and closing)
- You should have 6 or more supporting sentences
4. Please create and color a stamp that represents the place or thing you are describing.