Ms. C. Trevors - Archived - 09/2017 Notes

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Posted: October 3, 2013

Students will have a test on Unit 1- Tuesday, October 8/13. 

Posted: September 19, 2013

-students are currently working on a movie project. They are to find a movie and describe the special effects. Students will have until Friday to present their findings.

Posted: September 19, 2013

-students will be working on a project for the next two days.  Each student must choose a Canadian artist and song, and describe how this artist and song reflects Canadian identity.  This project is due Monday.

Posted: September 19, 2013

-students are to interview their parents or grandparents about their favorite song(s), their favorite artists or group, their preferred genre of music, and the theme of their favorite song.  Since they have already done one interview, they may wish to interview a different person in the household or family.  They are to bring their findings to class tomorrow for discussion.

Posted: September 12, 2013

Students are to discuss music and themes with a parent or grandparent.  Think about the themes today and how they are different from the songs that were popular when your parents or grandparents were young.  This shouild be completed and discussed in class tomorrow.

Posted: September 12, 2013

Students are responsible for completing good copy of journal writing by Friday.  They are also expected to complete a title page for the unit, 'Le Cinema' on this date.

Posted: September 12, 2013

Students are to complete and hand in good copy of their journal writing by Friday.  They are also responsible for completing a title page for the unit, 'La Musique'.

Posted: September 12, 2013

Students should have completed their presentations of a Canadian artist, and be ready to present.  Also, they should have prepared a titile page for the course.  All of this work must be completed by Friday.

Posted: September 5, 2013

Complete journal entry #1- "Who Am I?"

Posted: May 24, 2013

Students will have completed and be ready to present their final projects on Monday.

Posted: May 24, 2013

Students will have completed and be prepared to present their final projects on Monday, May 27.

Posted: May 17, 2013

Journal Entry - Explain President Roosevelt's quote referring to Pearl Harbour, "A date which will live in infamy".  The good copy of this entry is due: Tuesday, May 21.

Posted: April 26, 2013

Students will have their next unit test on Tuesday, May 7, 2013.  We will review for this test on Monday, April 29.

Posted: September 27, 2012

Faire une interview a la maison.  Interroger vos parents ou vos grand-parents(ou d'autres membres de votre famille ou meme un voisin) au sujet de leur chanson preferee, de leur artiste ou groupe prefere, de leur genre de musique preferee, et du theme de leur chanson preferee.

Posted: September 17, 2012

Students are to complete journal writing.  Complete title page for 'Le Cinema'.
