Posted: September 13, 2015
Welcome to Grade 11 History! This week we went over the extensive outline for this class. There is a lot of material to cover so there will be homework given on a regular basis in order to get through all material. There will also be a test every 2 weeks in this class so there is a lot of studying in order to pass this course. This is a course students must pass in order to graduate. Each student was assigned a History book which they will need for this course. Wednesday September 9th: Started Chapter 17 in the book and read Section 1 as a class (The Scientific Revolution). Students were assigned questions from a handout (#1-3)Thursday September 10th: Went over answers that were for homework from Section 1 and finished questions from handout (#4). This was assigned for homework as it was not completed in class. September 11th: Went over question #4 Section 1 that was assigned for homework. Read Section 2 (The Enlightenment) in class. A handout with questions was given out (and discussed in class). ALL questions were assigned for homework and are due on Monday.