May 24, 2024

Posted: May 24, 2024

Homeroom 7O

Math 8 - Test is Tuesday. Test review today (Below is the PDF link to class notes & examples). 

     Class/Homework: Worksheet attached  (Leave out #4)  (Test is this week depending on the events)


Math 7 - Probability unit ay 2. Just did warm up  (All notes are below as the PDF link)

    Class/Homework: None


Science 6J - Walked today BUT Monday-->Test outline on hearing was handed out on Tiesday and we went over all the answers today.  I posted below of all the notes from this unit on May 21.(See attached PDF below for a copy of the notes) 

                     Homework: Study notes 10-15 min each night  TEST Next Week. May 28

Science 7O - No class today since we walked for relay for life  (See attached PDF below for a copy of the notes if we did any today) 

           Homework: Study notes 10-15 min each night                         

Science 8D - No class today since we waled for the relay. Test review handed out on May 23. Test will be on May 30See attached PDF below for a copy of the notes) 

                      Homework: Study notes 10-15 min each night TEst soon