Posted: February 1, 2023
Math 7 - Dividing decimals by a decimal with long divsion day 2(All notes from today's class is attached below as PDF)
Class/Homework: Page 106 #1(no tiles just divide) #7, 8, 9ab, 10abc, 12(use calculator) Test Feb 7 (Tuesday)
Math 8- Exponents notes (All notes from today's class is attached below)
Class/Homework- Finish sheet from Class
Science 6 - Mammals notes & video(Notes attached below)
Class/Homework: No Homework
Science 7 - Video on Earth's fresh water supply(Any class notes are always Attached Below as PDF).
Class/Homework: None
Science 8- Terms on motion (See attached PDF file for a copy of the notes)
Homework: None