Posted: September 9, 2022
Homeroom 7 - Return forms (Student information, media release, field trip permission, and Needle Form)
- Terry Fox walk is Friday Sept. 15 ( $1 donation)
- Pictures Due back on Thursday, Sept. 14
Math 7 - Day 2 of review of integers, ordering integers and placing them on number lines. (All notes from today's clas is attached below)
Class/Homework: Worksheet 2 (Attached below as PDF )
Math 8- Modelling multiplication of integers using tiles and number lines (Day 2) (All notes from today's class is attached below)
Class/Homework: Page 68-69 #9abcd, 10abcd, 11ace, 12, 13, 20a
Science 6, 7, 8 - Video day of Scientist in the work place
Class/Homeork: None