March 30

Posted: March 30, 2022

Science 9 - Quiz on DEFINITIONS of the parts of the cell. then we went over the case study on page 144-147 the answers to questions a-q. . (notes are attached below as PDF file below) 

     Class/homework:  Start studying notes 15-20 minutes each night

Math 7 -Review of subtracting fraction by finding common denominators (See attached PDF file for a copy for today's notes)

   Class/homework: Extra practice 4 #1ab, 3abc, 4, 5  EXtra Practice 5 #1a, 2abc, 3abc, 4, 5

                                Test April 7

Math 8 - Find percent of a number for word problems & cost vs Selling price .(Attached below as PDF file is today's notes)

  Class work:  Page 24-247 #7, 12, 15

Science 7 - Notes on Humus, Topsoil, leeching  (Attached below as PDF file is today's notes)