Posted: October 20, 2021
Homeroom 8 - Return Co-Curricular form (3 Students)
Those that want to stay after school for EXTRA-curricular please bring a picture of PROOF of VACCINATION
Science 9 - Students studied for the entire class for the space test that is tomorrow. We reviewed the big bang theory and the reasons for our seasons.
Homework: Study note 10-15 minutes each night.
Test will be in October 21
Math 7 - Quiz Day but before the quiz I went over questions similar to the quiz. Then after the quiz students worked on the mid unit review.( See a copy of today's lesson as PDF below)
Homework: Page 29 #4, 5abcd (part i) #6ab
Math 8- Lesson on rotation isometric views day 1(See attached PDF file for a copy of the notes) We will work on this again tomorrow.
Homework: Test Friday, Oct. 22 (Working in class on 3d shapes with blocks)
Science 6 – OUTSIDE class on variety of life .