March 31

Posted: March 31, 2021

Science 7M -Notes on volcanos(seee attached PDF for a copy of the class notes)

             Homework:  None

Math 8-  New unit on fraction, percents and rates. Today we did another day of review on how to convert fractions to decimal to percents.  Then it was a work period

      Homework:  Page 239-240  #6b, 7ac,8b,9abc, 12bd, 13ab, #14abc, 16 

 (I also handed out extra practice once students finished their book work but it is not homework)

Science 9 - Handed out the test outline yesterday for the SPACE test. Students had another day to go through their notes and find the information)(See attache PDF fora copy of the outline) 

      Homework: Start studying your notes 10-15 min a night (Test will be on April 7)