Posted: October 14, 2020
Scince 6J - Students presented projects today and then we looked at the scientific method of bleach experiment.
Math 8- Review of substitution .
class/homework: Worksheet attached below as PDF #1, #4abc, #5bc
Posted: October 14, 2020
Scince 6J - Students presented projects today and then we looked at the scientific method of bleach experiment.
Math 8- Review of substitution .
class/homework: Worksheet attached below as PDF #1, #4abc, #5bc
Posted: October 13, 2020
Science 6J- MAke sure to have your projects ready for tomorrow and that you have all materials.
MAth 8 - Handed back test results and took students to the lab to see how to work the webpage and microsoft teams,
No homework
Posted: October 7, 2020
Below are the plans for the supply teacher for THURSDAY, Oct. 8
Science 6J - Watch the video
Math 8- Test tomorrow on integers. Watch the video of today's lesson
Page 97-98 #9(no tiles), #13, #14, #21, #22a, #23ab, #24
Page 99 #1, 2, 5
Grade 10/11- Work on the BEDMAS and Multiplication Booklets. Pass these in at 2:50
Posted: October 7, 2020
Science 6J- Animontronic Dolphin follow up "Dolphin Tale"
Homework: Be prepared for you presentation next week
Math 8- Test Review. TEST is this friday, Oct. 9. You MUST study your rules for adding, subtraction, multplication and divsion of integers. Also need to know how to model a (+) x(+), (+) x (-) and (-) x (-). Must be able to use the box method for the distribution property.
Class/Homework: Page 99 #2(ab model), #3, #4(just the signs), #5cd(Use box calculators) #6, #7
Posted: October 6, 2020
Science 6J- More investigation of science experiments
Homework: Be prepared for you presentation next week
Math 8- More practice of BEDMAS with integers. TEST is this friday, Oct. 9. You MUST study your rules for adding, subtraction, multplication and divsion of integers. Also need to know how to model a (+) x(+), (+) x (-) and (-) x (-). Must be able to use the box method for the distribution property.
Class/Homework: Page 92-93 #3ef, 7ef, 8cdf, 9, 10, 13
Posted: October 5, 2020
Science 6J- Students pick their presentation day All students will present the week of Oct. 13-16. So be ready
Math 8 - More practice with order of operations today
Class/Homework: PAge 92-93 #7cd, 8abe, 9a
Test is Friday, Oct. 9
Posted: October 2, 2020
Science 6j - Students had a short quiz today and it was marked and passed back
No Homework
Math 8 - Order of operations with integers (See attached notes) Student need to study their rules for +, -, x divide integers. Test is Oct. 9 (Friday)
Homework: Page 92 #3, 4, 5, 7ab
Posted: October 1, 2020
Science 6j - Short quiz tomorrow on listing the oder of the scientific method the 3 varibles used in an experiment (See attached PDF for the copy) Did not do it today since some students were not ready.
See yesterday's notes posted below
Math 8 - Subtracting integers review complet the sheet from class. Test Oct. 9
Homework: (Sheet attached below) Gr 8 math sheet 283 Subtraction review - #1, #3, #4, #6abc
Posted: September 30, 2020
Science 6j - Short quiz tomorrow on listing the oder of the scientific method the 3 varibles used in an experiment (See attached PDF for the copy)
Math 8 -We will be starting BEDMAS with integers but again today we revied + integer rules. Test Oct.9
Homework: Worksheet attached below
Model 1ab, 2ac Then Use rules for #1cdefgh, 3, 4, 5, 6ab
Posted: September 29, 2020
Science 6j - example of scientific method using an experiment (See attached PDF for the copy)
Math 8 -We did out quiz and more review of x and÷ integers. Test Oct.9
Homework: Page 87-88. #4, #5acegi, #8ad, 8ac, 10abcd, 11ab
Posted: September 28, 2020
Science 6j - notes on varibles finished (See attached PDF for the copy)
Math 8 - Review of x and÷ integers. Quiz TOMORROW (Similar to today's warm up)
Homework: Page 83. model 1 a Then use rules for rest 1bcd, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9a, 11
Posted: September 25, 2020
Science 6J - No homework
Math 8 - More divsion questions (See attached PDF file for today's notes).
Class/Homework: Page 74 #11, Page 80-81, #11, #12, #13, #14, #15 Page 99 #1
Quiz on multiplication and divsion if integers TUESDAY
Posted: September 24, 2020
Science 6J - Lab day to invetigate future group science demonstrations.
Math 8- Division of integers notes are attached as PDF.
Class/homework: Quiz tuesday
Page 80-81 #3ad, 4abc, 5, 6ac3, 7ai, bi, 8ace
Posted: September 23, 2020
Science 6J - Notes on variables (See the attached PDF file below for the notes)
Math 8 - More practice with multiplying intergers using the rules and the distribution property. (See attached PDF for class notes and examples)
Class/Homework: NO calculators Page 73 #3, #4abcde, 6c(use box method), #7bd(Use box), #8abcd
Posted: September 22, 2020
Science 6J - Finished the video on insulin and then we watched a few videos and tried to predict what could happen (epic or fail)
No Homework
Math 8 - Attached below are the notes from class on integer multiplication (day 2).
Class/Homework: Page 68-69 #9abcd, 10(abf), 11(abc), 12, 13, 17ab, 20a (only model 10 then use rules for the rest.)
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