Mrs. Sobey - Archived - 09/2017 Notes

Welcome to Grade 2


Posted: October 5, 2015

October 7 - Movie Night; K-2 $5 Alvin and the Chipmunks FrankensteinSpelling - make corrections Math - SheetReading Daily

Posted: October 1, 2015

Temperatures are dropping.  Be sure to wear coats and have mitts and hats ready to go!  Spelling Test Homework DuePopcorn Tomorrow: $1No homework on weekends if homework is complete.  Happy Friday! 

Posted: September 29, 2015

Library Books due back tomorrowRead Daily Ice Cream Money Write out spelling words from last week's list

Posted: September 24, 2015

Spelling Test Homework Due - bring binders back to schoolKeep track of library books for next Wednesday.  Happy Birthday, Ashton!  Happy belated to our September birthdays, Kyler and Danica! 

Posted: September 23, 2015

Reading DailyFlouride Rinse Permission SlipMagazine Ballot (even marking "No" counts toward free classroom materials)Fire Safety Ballot Book Orders due tomorrow  

Posted: September 23, 2015

Bring library books back every Wednesday as we go to the library on Wednesdays.   

Posted: September 21, 2015

Book order money due ThursdaySpelling SheetsMath SheetReading (daily) First Day of Fall, Wednesday, September 23 

Posted: September 17, 2015

 Spelling TestRead daily Homework dueReturn BindersBring Agendas everyday 

Posted: September 14, 2015

Ayden is going to make the a suggestion box where they can write ideas and notes to the teacher.  Montana got a new dog this past summer; a Doberman Pincher and Pomeranian mix.   Kylie got a new kitten and they named her Whiskey.  Kyler's cat ran away for two months and finally came back over the weekend.  He was very excited.   This week, we are going to work on reading, patterns in math and our new spelling words.  We are also going to review bus safety.   

Posted: September 14, 2015

Read daily (2 books)Math - SheetSpelling - sheet All homework is due on Friday
Picture package money and order forms are due this Thursday, September 17, 2010. 

Posted: September 9, 2015

My name is Mrs. McLean and I will be teaching Grade Two until Christmas.  It is a wonderful age.  We will be doing lots of interesting things such as get to know a new baby through Roots of Empathy, learn about patterns, numbers to 100 and addition and subtraction as well as read and write all sorts of things.  I am looking forward to this year and will be posting regularly on this site until my site is up and running.  Dont' hesitate to contact me at the school anytime if you have any questions. 

Posted: September 24, 2014

Today grade 2S and 2L tried out Geocaching for the first time and it was a huge hit with the students. Geocaching is an outdoor recreational activity, in which the participants use a Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver or mobile device and other navigational techniques to hide and seek containers, called "geocaches" or "caches", anywhere in the world. Our caches were hidden around the perimeter and within the school grounds. Students each had their own GPS unit to try and track the hidden “treasures”. A typical cache is a small waterproof container containing a logbook where the geocacher enters the date they found it and signs it with their established code name. After signing the log, the cache must be placed back exactly where the person found it. Larger containers such as plastic storage containers (Tupperware or similar) can also contain items for trading, usually toys or trinkets of little financial value, although sometimes they are sentimental. Before we began our treasure hunt we had a lesson in the classroom on how to use the GPS from Mr. Joey Savoy who works for the district. Once we got outside the students were quick to catch on to how to track their treasure using the GPS system. We cannot wait for Mr. Savoy to return for our next treasure hunt!

Posted: September 22, 2014

The Terry Fox Walk will be held Wednesday, September 24th, at 10:20 a.m. for students in Grades K-5. Students are asked to bring in a $1 donation for this very important cause. Thank you!    
