
Posted: January 21, 2014

Morning Exams [Start 8:30 am]Science 9Canadian Identity 9NRF 10GMF 10English 113Physics 112Enviromental Science 122/123Precalculus Math 12AAfternoon Exams [Start 12:30]Financial and Workplace Math 110.

Posted: January 17, 2014

MANGO Mania WEEK #3: Keeping the drinks in snacks healthy Did you know that fruit drinks, pop, and sports drinks usually contain lots of added sugar, very few vitamins and may contain caffeine?  For example, one 700ml bottle of sports drink has 10 teaspoons of sugar – the same amount in one can of pop.  These are not considered healthy beverage choices. The Dietitians of Canada recommend: -Children 1 to 8 years old get 6 cups of fluid (liquid) per day (1 cup = 250 ml) -9 to 13 years old girls should get between 8-9 cups per day -9 to 13 years old boys should get

Posted: January 17, 2014

There will be a Home and School meeting on Monday, January 20th at 7 pm in the cafeteria.

Posted: January 16, 2014

Monday, January 20,2014 8:30 am ELPA 9 English 10 History 112 Biology 122 12:30 ELPA 9

Posted: January 10, 2014

Please see the attachment below for the January Newsletter.

Posted: January 6, 2014

Healthy SnacksThis month the focus for the Mango Mania Blitz is on Healthy Snacks. Keep looking for our weekly posts about these “mini meals” that are very important to children and their ability to play and learn. Snacks are important to both children and adults and we will provide some snack ideas as well as some advice on how to make snacks appealing to your children. The attached document will help introduce the topic and get you started with some ideas. January 27th -3st will be Mango Mania challenge week so children will be encouraged to be sure to bring a healthy snack to school.    

Posted: December 18, 2013

Christmas Spirit Day -  Students and staff are encouraged to show their Christmas Spirit on Thursday, December 19.  Wear red or green, maybe your best or worst Christmas creative!    PJ Day-  On Friday, December 20 students and staff are encouraged to wear their PJ's to school!

Posted: December 18, 2013

On behalf of the students and staff of Blackville School, a warm "Thank You" is extended to all involved in our third annual musical celebration, "Christmas Memories in Music."  We are so pleased to be able to offer financial support to the Music Program as well as the Breakfast Program, and this is only possible because of the efforts of a large number of people.  We extend our sincere appreciation to those who looked after ticket sales, who prepared the church, especially the sound and lights, and all of the students who performed so beautifully.  In addition, we extend our gratitude to our

Posted: December 16, 2013

 A letter from Beth Stymiest, Superintendent, concerning Weather Closures is attached below.To refer to Regulation 601 visit ASD-N Regulations.

Posted: December 16, 2013

The Elementary Christmas Program will be postponed until Wednesday, December 18. The performance times will be 9 am and 10:30 in the cafeteria.


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