
Posted: March 12, 2018

There will be a Career Exploration Event in Trades & Technology for Girls event on Wednesday, April 11 from 5:30-8:00pm at Leo Hayes High School. All high school girls from grades 9-12 are invited to come explore exciting non-traditional careers and meet fascinating women working in these fields. This event is free and a pizza dinner is provided. To register or for more info, please visit our website, or email or call (506) 462-5910.

Posted: March 12, 2018

The Point Church presents Project Prom Extravaganza.  All females attending the 2018 Prom are invited to come "shop" for a FREE prom dress, shoes, accessories, etc.  The event is being held at the Point Church (582 King George Highway) on Friday, April 6 from 6 -8 and Saturday, April 7 from 10 -2.

Posted: February 27, 2018

A reminder that Wednesday, February 28, 2018 is a half day for all students.  Students are also reminded there will be NO snack cart on Wednesday, February 28, 2018.

Posted: February 26, 2018

Information on the flu virus and precautions.  Please see attached document on Influenza in children from the Canadian Pediatric Society.

Posted: February 23, 2018

Theme Days K-12 for next week's Winter Carnival...


Monday - Dress to Impress

Tuesday - Twin Day

Wednesday - Pink Day (Bully Awareness Day)

Thursday - Eagle Pride Day

Friday - PJ Day


Also, middle school will be having their annual cake auction on Friday, March 2nd.  Students from grades 6-8 can bring in a cake to be auctioned off.  All proceeds go towards the grade 8 end of year field trip.  

Posted: February 15, 2018

The Staff at BHS hopes you enjoy your Family Day, Monday, February 19, 2018.

Posted: February 15, 2018

Attention  grade 9 and 10 students, this is a wonderful French opportunity!  We have five French Immersion spots and eight PIF spots allotted to our district.  See the attachments below for further information. The deadline for applying is March 2, 2018

Posted: February 6, 2018

Pancake Breakfast

February 14th 2017

Posted: February 2, 2018

Staff and students would like to wish Carla safe travels as she makes her way back to Germany.  We were fortunate to have Carla as an exchange student since Septmeber. BHS would like to wish you all the best Carla and spread your Eagle Pride!


Posted: February 2, 2018

Due to the weather K-12 students will be going home at 2 pm today, February 2, 2018.


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