First Day of School 2011

Posted: August 29, 2011

School Begins for Students: Tuesday  September 6- Kindergarten* to grade nine(9)** [no school for grade ten (10), grade eleven (11) and twelve (12)] Wednesday September 7-Kindergarten* to grade twelve(12) *Parents of kindergarten students were sent a letter in late June indicating which day their Kindergarten child would start school, as we do staggered entry with our Kindergarten classes.  If your kindergarten child is scheduled to come to school on Tuesday for the first time, the next day for your child will be Thursday.  If your child comes on Wednesday for the first day, they will return on Thursday.  All kindergarten students will be here on Thursday!  **Grade nine (9)—On September 6, high school teachers and a group of leadership students will be doing the Boomerang Project with our grade nine (9) students!  This is a fully packed day of both fun activities and information sessions beneficial to grade nine (9) students as they enter high school.  Grade nine (9)students need to come to school that day with their school supplies, etc. as they normally would.