Posted: January 15, 2013
Note: English Language Proficiency Assessment(Reading Comprehension Component) will be administered on Thursday, January 17th and Monday, January 21rd. All current grade 9 students will be writing Reading Comprehension on Thursday, January 17th, (weather date Friday, January 18th) from 8:35-10:35 AM (or longer if they need the time) as well as other students from grade 11 and 12 who require this component. When finished the exam component students will return to regular classes for the remainder of the day.
The writing component of the English Language Proficiency Assessment will be done on Monday, January 21st. Part I will be done in the morning beginning at 8:35 as is indicated on the Exam Schedule, Part II will be done beginning at 11:45.
Monday will also be our normal exam schedule so only students who write an exam on Monday will be required to be here.