Posted: April 4, 2016
Today we reviewed comparing rates and some reriew for the test.
Class/Homework: Page 305 #14(b,c)
Page 308 #1(b,c), #2, #3(b,c), #4(b,c),# 5a, 7, #11(a,b), #12, #20(a,b,c)
STUDY for your Test which is Wednesday, April 6
Posted: April 4, 2016
Today we reviewed comparing rates and some reriew for the test.
Class/Homework: Page 305 #14(b,c)
Page 308 #1(b,c), #2, #3(b,c), #4(b,c),# 5a, 7, #11(a,b), #12, #20(a,b,c)
STUDY for your Test which is Wednesday, April 6