Posted: February 28, 2017
This Friday, elementary classes will be taking turns going to the Tom Donovan Arena in Renous for skating. All students must have skates and a helmet to go on the ice. Parents are welcome to meet us at the rink to help tie skates and go on the ice with the students. If students do not have both skates and a helmet, they will still go to the rink with their class. They will be supervised by teachers in the warm room. We encourage all students to take advantage of this fun activity J
Winter Carnival Skating Times at Tom Donovan Arena
Friday, March 3rd, 2017
Time Grades
8:45-10:10 1L, 2S, 2D
10:10-11:30 3M, 4H, 4M
12:30-1:45 KN, K/1C, 5H, 5W