May 23

Posted: May 23, 2018

8DU Homeroom

 Please return Banquet invitations and money. Students received these last week and they are due tomorrow.

 Coffee House May 29th 6:30 to 8:30. Cost is $5.00 at the door for adults (Complimentary coffee and tea with admission price) and $3.00 for students (no tea or coffee). Canteen on site all items (pop, water, juice and sweets) all items$1.00. Proceeds go to grade 8 trip and music program.

 ****Participation is mandatory for grade 8 students, they must attend coffee house to go on grade 8 trip****

 Grade 8 Banquet 6-7pm

 Dance June 7th 7-9:00 pm

 Grade 8 trip June 14th 7:30 am departure time.



 Working on an autobiography



 Working on a Biography



Reading a book on publicity.



7G Science


Worked on review today we will be moving on to new material tomorrow. Please see below for review and chapter notes.




Science Review

Test Tuesday May 29th



Terms: Matter, Properties, Mixture, Mechanical mixture, Solution, Pure substance, Dissolving, Insoluble, Soluble.


Know the difference between heterogeneous and homogenous mixtures and be able to identify them.

Be able to explain particle theory.

Be able to identify the following items: solute, solvent in a mixture.

Know the difference between physical and chemical change.

Be able to explain how hard water effects the use of water.

Understand distillation (the process) and how it relates to particle theory.  


Please see attached notes for the entire chapter.