Les Devoirs

Posted: February 24, 2020

Les Devoirs 

1) Read 

2) Spelling (see video)

3) Blue and Gold day 

4) Buttons on sale for winter carnival $3.00 

5) Anti-bullying buttons on sale $1 (middle school student project)


Grade 4 is finishing up multiplication and division and will be tested this week 

Grade 5 is finishing multiplication of double digit and long division with a remainder. They will tested this week  

Extra help was offered today at lunch to help with grade 5 math. 

*** It is very important that students know their multiplication facts in order to move forward in math. Any students struggling will be asked to study these over March Break and moving forward. Grade 5 should have mastered these last year.


Please be sure students are reading each night. 


Please be sure students are prepared for outdoors. They should be bringing snow pants, boots, hats and mittens each day.