4/5D Home Learning Week 8

Posted: May 24, 2020

Welcome to Home Learning Opportunities

Bienvenue à Apprendre à la Maison

4/5 Duffy

Semaine 8


Welcome back to home learning opportunities for grade 4/5D week 8. I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend!


Please see the Week 8 Agenda or the Detailed Agenda below in the attachments.  Remember anything underlined in these agendas are links that will take you to where you need go. Any other documents you will need for this week are also located below in the attachments.


For French reading this week, students are again free to choose any book located in their category on the Je Lis website or any French book on Epic. Please remember to click the green button when you are finished reading.

I would also like to stress again this week how important daily French reading is. It is necessary to help maintain current reading levels and skills. A big shout-out to those who log on each day to do their reading, keep up the great work! 

This week, I have also recorded myself reading two different books Jean Guy and J’adore Le Hockey”. Students may also use these books for their daily reading.

Have a great week!

Je vous manquez! 

Mlle Duffy