Posted: November 25, 2010
Good afternoon parents,
I can hardly believe that it's almost Friday once again. Our Spelling test will be on all 20 words sent home this week and, as usual, we will be having a dictation with as many words as possible from the words of the week.
In Math, we are working on addition and becoming familiar with terms; addends, plus, equals, sum. The children are showing great progress in Number Corner where we explore the number of the day.
We have moved on to the trail of Orgaization in 6+1 Traits of Writing and that will be our focus during the coming weeks.
Our annual Book Fair was a great success and the children got some great reading material.
I am adding some pics of a few students during the Feely Bag activity where we were concentrating on our sense of touch. Presently, in You and Your World, we are exploring the five senses as part of a larger unit on Living Things.
And of course, we have just started to prepare for the Christmas program!! So, this is a very busy time with lots of interesting things happening all the time.
Talk to you again, soon.
Mrs. Donovan & Ms. McKenzie
Feely Bag Fun in You and Your World