What's Happening in our Classroom!!

Posted: November 19, 2010

Good Afternoon Parents Thank you to all parents who have sent in food for the food drive. If you have not sent anything and would like to do so, there is still time. We have had a very busy week the last few days with the Caught You Caring Campaign, Anti Bullying Week and the awesome visit from the Oceans Wild display. We all learned so much and all the information ties in quite well with "Living Things", which we are focusing on in You and Your World. Ask your child to explain about the characteristics of living things, that is, how they are distinguished from non living things. They seem to understand the difference very well. We are going to start working on the trait of "Organization" in Writing Workshop next week while still stressing the importance of Ideas or Content. Sometime next week, I'm going to send home a piece of your child's latest writng for you to look at and sign. Also, look for a Math quiz on concepts that we have been working on as some sheets will be coming your way. Signature is required on this as well. In Math, we are going to narrow our focus to addition and subtraction during the coming weeks so your child will have Math facts to practise regularly. Automatic recall is necessary so we will be working on these for the remainder of the year. Hope you enjoyed reading "Carumba" with your child. TD donates a book to each grade one child in Canada each year. The students loved it!          Have a great weekend everyone! Mrs. Donovan and Ms. McKenzie