Social Studies, May 1

Posted: May 1, 2020

Well ladies and gentlemen, It is already May...we've got thiis!  Have a great weekend, you are missed!


Daily task: To learn about the physical geography of Australia and Oceania


1.     Go to the following link:

2.     Make sure to preview the entire text before you read.  Look at the map, pictures and scroll all the way to the bottom of the web page to see if anything catches your eye. ‘

3.     Once you’ve taken a peek around, finish the final sections about Floral and Fauna.



Look for the answers to these questions.

1.     How did many animal reach Australia and Oceania?

2.     How did plants arrive there?

3.     What 2 animals make up the majority of species in Australia?

4.     Name the world’s 2 largest coral formations, both of which are located in this region.

5.     Name 3 species found in the Great Barrier Reef.