Posted: May 4, 2020
Good morning ladies and gentlemen. From now on I will be posting your home learning assignments twice a week on Monday and Wednesday. This may save you the hassle of having to check my teacher page daily.. Hope everyone had a great weekend! You are missed!
Task: To learn about the people of Australia and Oceania
1. Go to the following link: 2. Make sure to preview the entire text before you read. Look at the map, pictures and scroll all the way to the bottom of the web page to see if anything catches your eye. ‘ 3. Once you’ve taken a peek around, scroll down to the section titled Cultural Geography. Over the next 2 days read about Historic Cultures. Stop when you reach Contemporary Cultures.
See if you can find the answers to the following questions.
1. How did Polynesian culture develop?
2. What islands did the Polynesian’s colonize?
3. Who had a significant impact of agriculture and New Zealand’s forest and fauna?
4. What was a moa and why did they become extinct?
5. What is the unified name of Australia’s indigenous people?