Posted: September 21, 2022
Homeroom 7 - Orange Shirt Day is Sept. 30 (Friday)
Math 7 - Addition of integers with rules quiz then mid unit review. (All notes from today's class is attached below as PDF)
Class/Homework: Page 65 # 1(a,c,e), #2, #3(a,b,c), #6(a,b), #7(a,b,c,d), #8a
Test- Tursday, Sept.29
Math 8- Review of adding intergers from grade 7. (All notes from today's clas is attached below)
Class/Homework: Worksheet (Attached below)
Science 6 - Finished Notes on the Scientific Method( and looked at Attached Below as PDF).
Class/Homework: None
Science 7 - Finished Pasturization video & Had an in class discussion(Attached Below as PDF).
Class/Homework: None
Science 8- Lab to finish the Definiton search (Notes attached below as PDF file)
Class/Homework: None