Sept. 12

Posted: September 12, 2022

Homeroom 7 - Return forms (Student information, media release, field trip permission, and Needle Form)

                       -  Pictures due back Thursday, Sep. 15

                 -  Terry Fox walk is Friday Sept. 16 ( $1 donation)

Math 7 - Modeling integers in more than one way with zero pairs. (All notes from today's class is attached below as PDF)

Class/Homework: Page 54 #1acd, 2ad, 4abc, 7a (Attached below as PDF )

Math 8- Multiplying integers using the rules & box method. (All notes from today's clas is attached below)

 Class/Homework: Page 73 #3abcd, 4 all, 6ac, 7bd, 8abgh

Science 6 -Given a crime scene and studens had to list their observations and come up with questions they would ask an ey witness.

Class/Homework: None

Science 7 - Discussion on plasma and the northern lights (Attached Below as PDF).

Class/Homework: None

Science 8Discussion on Video of last day about DNA and crime (Notes attached below as PDF file)

Class/Homework: None