Posted: October 19, 2018
Science 9 -Today we went tot he lab to place Space Kahoots
No Homework
Math 6 - We did more practice with Input output charts and pattern rule as a warm up. Then we wrote the pattern rule for a given input, and output chart with one operation. (Straties are discussed in the book and we used them in class for the past 3 days)
Class/Homework: Page 22 #1abce #2abc
Math 8 - Section 6.6 & 6.7 from textbook. creating tables from experssions and solving for missing entries of an ordered pair
Class/Homework: Worksheet - Finish the front side Show work ATTACHED
Test for this unit is moved to Oct. 24 (Wed)
Science 6 - Students were given notes on micro organisms
Homework: Sign test