Posted: November 2, 2018
Science 9 -Notes on Zygotes, P-MAT and diagrams. then videos on Mitosis
Homework: Study notes each night 10-15 min
Math 6 - Warm-up given a graph make a table of values and a review of writing variable expression for a chart . Lesson was on perserving the equalitiy (See attached PDF) TEST outline assignment was handed out today. Students do not have to complete this and we will work on this Monday. This is similar to the test.
Class / Homework: Page 28-39 #1ac, 2bd, 3ac, 4a, 5ab
Test on Pattern & Relations Nov. 6 TUESDAY
Math 8 -Warm up was how to use perimter to find side length and thenside to find area. Then we looked at factors of number and how perfect square numbers have odd number of facotrs. Also looked at square root of numbers today (Button on calculator)
Class / HomeWork: Page 14-16 #1, 6, 7, 10,11,13,14,15
Science 6 - Airplane Model day2. Students re-designed airplanes after watching a video on improvements
Homework: Study notes each night 15 minutes