Posted: March 23, 2022
Science 9 - Diagrams of the Plant & Animal Cell (notes are attached below as PDF file)
Class/homework: Quiz Friday on Labelin the parts of the cell (Quiz will be in black in white so don't study by color, study by what it looks like to you. All names will be provided so you don't have to study spelling)
Math 7 - More Examples on Subtracting & Adding Fractions(See attached PDF file for a copy for today's notes)
Class/homework: We worked on the worksheet from yesterday, it is attached below and must finish for homework.
Math 8 - Notes and examples on how to change from fraction to deciamto percent and the reverse.(Attached below as PDF file is today's notes)
Class work: Page 239-240 #3, 6bc, #8,. #9ac, #12bc, #13ac,#14ac,#16
Science 7 - NOTES on types of soil (Attached below as PDF file is today's notes)