Posted: March 11, 2019
NRF 10-Factoring polyvnomials using GCF . See the attached PDF file of today's notes.
Class/Homework: Page 155 #6a, 10, 14abc, 15b (i, ii, iii), 16a
Math 6 -Ch. 7 Data analysis Lesson 5 Choosing appropriate graphs . (see attaced for solutions). (See the PDF file)
Class / Homework: Page 269-270 #1 (Draw the actual graph and answer b) #2 #3 ( For 2 and 3 just state which graph you would draw and then answer b. Make sure to answer the why) (See the file attached)
Test March 15 on ch. 7
Math 8 -. Review of how to convert fraction, decimal and percents then notes on how to calculate % of a number mentally (all notes were provided in class)
Class / Homework:: Page 246 #5, 6, 10 , 11
Science 9- Apollo 13 video assignment
Homework: Study your notes 10-15min each night
Test March 21 on Space