Posted: January 18, 2022
Science 9 -Continue to work on the final test outline and make sure to send a thumbs up on teams that you are working before 3:00 today. There will be no final test so I want you all to send me a picture of your completed test review and I will count this for marks. You can send this some time this week then you are done with the Science 9 course. I can tell each of you your final mark once it is in.
Math 7 - Complete Extra Practice 2 Lesson 7.2: Median and Range Worksheet (Found in your booklet)
#1, #2, #3, #6 Send a Thumbs Up on Teams each day for your attendance before 2:00.
Math 8 - Complete the class/homework “gr 8 u6 eq day 3 solve using algebra”.
Page 330 #5(aabcd), 6(abcd), 7ab, 8, 9(ab)
This is to be done on your own paper and keep this together to show me when you return. Make sure to show all your work and not just the answers. Once you are done this then you are done math for the day. Makes sure to send a thumbs up on teams for your attendance before 2:00 today.
Science 6 - Continue to tweak your paper plane to find a design that flies the farthest.