Posted: January 18, 2023
Math 7 - More Review of grade 4 multiplications of 2 diit & 3 digit numbers (All notes from today's class is attached below as PDF)
Class/Homework:Worksheets from class (attached below) (finsih sheet 1 & 2)
Math 8- more examples & notes on Solving Algrbraic Equations with algebrawith fractions and word problems . (All notes from today's class is attached below)
Class/Homework: Pg 336 #3(ac), #4(a,c), #5, #6, #7
Science 6 - Notes on 5 categories of invertebrates notes continued with videos (Notes attached below)
Class/Homework: No Homework
Science 7 - Notes on frost wedgings, eriosion and a video (Any class notes are always Attached Below as PDF).
Class/Homework: None
Science 8- Test day