Posted: January 16, 2025
Homeroom 8O- Dress for the weather (Hat, mitts, coats, boots)
- Boot hockey at breaks but NO Steel toe Boots
Math 8OT- Circle Graphs Test Tomorrow so we did more review today. We worked on yesterday's WS and a new one today (All class notes & Examples are attached below as the PDF file)
Classwork: Study for the test by finishing WS from class (Attached below)
Quiz TOMORROW on Circle graphs
Math 6JB - Test today (All class notes & Examples are attached below as the PDF file)
Class/ Homework: None
Science 7D-.PEI Erosion Documenatry (If we did notes today they are attached in the PDF file below)
Class/Homework: Start studying notes 10-15 min each night
Science 8O- Test Outline was handed out and students worked on Monday & students are to do it & study. TEST moved to Tuesday, Jan 21(All Notes from class today are attached in the PDF file below)
Class/Homework: Study 10-15 minute each when given new notes
Test Moved to Jan21 since students didn not have outline completed
Science 6J- 20/20 vision & Animal Eys & why do some shine at nighty. No notes today(See attached notes below)
Class/Homework- Start studying notes 10-15 min each night