Jan. 13

Posted: January 12, 2022

Science 9 - Continue to work on the final test outline and make sure to send a thumbs up on teams that you are working before 3:00 today.


Math 7 -Lesson pages from booklet are “gr 7 u 7 dm day 2 median and range.notebook

Watch the video  Day 3 Gr 7 Math January 13 Video Median and Range - YouTube and pause the video and do the questions as you go. Make sure to show all work like I do on the video, not just the answer. The slides from the video are the same from your booklet so make sure to add to them and do not leave them blank.  Once done the video and the questions from the lesson then you can be done for the day (Or you can work on tomorrow’s lesson since it is a work period tomorrow). Test will be Jan. 25 when you return. Send a Thumbs Up on Teams each day for your attendance before 2:00.


Math 8 -Watch the video  Day 3 Gr 8 Math Jan13 U6 day2 solving with algebra day 2 VIDEO - YouTube and pause the video and do the questions as you go. Make sure to show all work like I do on the video, not just the answer. The slides from the video are the same from your booklet so make sure to add to them and do not leave them blank.  Once done the video and the questions from the lesson then you can be done for the day (Or you can work on tomorrow’s lesson since it is a work period tomorrow). Quiz will be Jan. 25 when you return. Makes sure to send a thumbs up on teams for your attendance before 2:00 today.


Science 6 - Continue on reading Flight notes (You can try making a paper airplane and testing how far it flies BUT only if you want...it is not homework)