Jan. 11 (Home Learning)

Posted: January 10, 2022

Science 9- Below are PDF files of your final assessment outline. You are to find the information in your notes and complete the OUTLINE on your own paper.  Some of the material you have on your other outline but you may want to focus on what is needed for this last assessment. Once you have the outline completed, you must study the material since you will be tested on the work on Jan. 25 (Tuesday).  Below is a youtube video link of me explaining the outline. Science 9 Home Learning Jan 2022 Video - YouTube


Math 7 - Lesson pages from booklet are “gr 7 u 7 dm day 1 mean and mode.notebook” (Page 1 and half of page 2)

Watch the video Day 1 Gr 7 Math January 11 Video Mean and Mode - YouTube and pause the video and do the questions as you go. Make sure to show all work like I do on the video, not just the answer. The slides from the video are the same from your booklet so make sure to add to them and do not leave them blank.  Once done the video and the questions from the lesson then you can be done for the day (Or you can work on tomorrow’s lesson since it is a work period tomorrow). 

Online textbook click on unit 7 data analysis is on Math Makes Sense 7 - Welcome (weebly.com)


Math 8Lesson pages from booklet are “gr 8 u6 eq day 1 solving with models” (Page 1 and half of page 2) 

Watch the video Day 1 Gr 8 Math Jan11 U6 day1 solving with algebra VIDEO - YouTube (Click on the link)and pause the video and do the questions as you go. Make sure to show all work like I do on the video, not just the answer. The slides from the video are the same from your booklet so make sure to add to them and do not leave them blank.  Once done the video and the questions from the lesson then you can be done for the day (Or you can work on tomorrow’s lesson since it is a work period tomorrow).

Math 8 WNCP_U6_5thpass_1 (weebly.com)


Science 6 - Below (Attached PDF file on Flight . The last one below.) are the notes that I want you to read over for class. You do not have to copy them down but I want you to read them.