Posted: February 2, 2022
Science 9- Definitions (See attached notes as PDF file)
Class/homework - Assignment Due Tomorrow #1) Find a female scientist and what did she discover #2 Find a male scientist and what did he discover #3) List 2 branches of science (other than Chemistry & Biology) and tell what they study.
Math 7 - Review of addinfgand subtraction decimals definition terms Day 2 (See attached PDF file for a copy for today's notes)
Class/homework: Worksheet (Attached below)
Math 8 - Distribution property notes day 3 word problems (Attached below as PDF file is today's notes)
Class/homework: Page 347 #5,6,8,9,10,12,13,14
Test Friday
Science 7 - Notes on Minerals & Videos (Attached below as PDF file is today's notes)