Posted: December 10, 2021
Science 9- Notes onultra sounds and amniocentis.the watched "A child frozen in time- Syndrom X" I(See attached a PDF file for a copy of today's notes below)
Homework: Start studying for your Test that will be on Dec. 17
Math 7 - Test day. (See attached PDF file for a copy of the notes and examples.)
Homework: None
Math 8- PTesy Review(See attached PDF file for a copy of the notes and examples.) Page 159 #1-30 work away on this in class but not for homework
Homework: Study for your test that is Tuesday
Science 6- (Test wll be Dec. 16). We then looked more at fossils.(See attached PDF file for a copy of the notes)
Homework: Study notes for 10-15 minutes each night
Test Dec. 16