Posted: December 1, 2021
Science 9- Notes on Mutations, cancer and tumors. We also did the questions on page 182-183. Make sure to copy out these in your notebook to obtain full marks on the assignments by tomorrow. (See attached a PDF file for a copy of today's notes below)
Homework: Pass in Page 182 solutions (all are completed as a pdf below page so copy them out and show me)
Math 7 - More Examples on Area of a triangles and how to find a missing base or height if an area is given. (See attached PDF file for a copy of the notes and examples.)
Homework: Page 146 #5 & 7 (JUST find the Area for all questions, no drawing them out)
Math 8- Dividing fractions with rules Flip and Multiply)(See attached PDF file for a copy of the notes and examples.)
Homework: Page 145 #6, 10,
Science 6- In the BBT lab to work on an assignment on animals (See attached PDF file for a copy of the notes)
Homework: Study notes for 10-15 minutes each night