April 21

Posted: April 21, 2022

Science 9 -Colin Pitchfork documentary (Solutions in the notes) The disucussed th e case study on page 202   (notes are attached below as PDF file below) 

     Class/homework:   Start studying notes 15-20 minutes each night

Math 7 -Solving equations with algebra(See attached PDF file for a copy for today's notes)

  Class/homework:: Page 236 #1 to 4   Page 238 #1 to 3   (USE ALGEBRA FRO ALL)

 Math 8 .Note and examples on equivalent ratios(Attached below as PDF file is today's notes)

  Class work:  Page 275  #12a, , #15, #16, #17ab


 Science 7 -   New Unit on Heterogenous and Homogenous mixtures. Page 101-103 read about smog (Attached below as PDF file is today's notes)